Friday, May 15, 2009

Mr. Sandman

Well this is the fourth day without sleep! Actually I think I slept about 2 hours last night. I occasionally have insomnia, but this is ridiculous! I know it is related to my personal matters. I can't take those sleep aids because they give me the "creepy crawlies" in my legs, and because they never seem to work until I am about to get up in the morning. Then I am dragging and drowsy the whole day. I know I must look cute today with these huge bags under my eyes. But through the sleeplessness all week, I have made it to work each day. Although I am extremely exhausted, I am still effective as a teacher, for I am still getting on their nerves as much as I always have. So that's normal, and a good thing.

Today's devotion is a piggyback of yesterday's. I am going through the most trying times of my life. I am getting beaten and battered right now, but I know God will not let me fall. My personal situations will turn back in my favor soon, I just know it. The biggest tragedy started about 6 months ago, but I still have hope that it will get better. And I can't go much longer without sleep. That, too, will soon get better. "They" say we should keep a positive attitude! Well, I am trying. "They" say I will be a stronger person one day because of my endurance. Well, we will see. Life is a series of mountain tops and valleys. This just happens to be a valley for me-a very low one! There are two people in this world who know exactly what it will take to catapult me instantly to the highest mountain top. But one of those people is just not ready yet. But I STILL have hope! I am learning that hope is one of the most powerful forces in the world!

Lamentations 3:26 says, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait on the Lord."

Father, although I am struggling right now, thank you that I am alive! You know my heart's desire. I pray for Jackie, Lord. She is awesome! Please be with her, as she too struggles right now. Thank you for what You will accomplish in our lives if we just don't lose hope and faith in You. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. It is hard to wait patiently for the Lord to do his will! But we must not give up! There is a reason for everything (I am a strong believer of that)and God has an ultimate plan for you and yours! I will keep you in my prayers! God bless!

  2. His love endures forever, and ever. God Bless you and Jackie!! (((HUGS)))

  3. Great post! I know what you mean about the trials and all. But it is so true that when we trust in the Lord and wait for His timing we can be so super blessed!! have a great weekend and get some sleep!! ;D God Bless~

  4. Great post!! I know what you mean about the trials and all. And it is so true that when we trust in the Lord and wait for Him we will be so super blessed. If we wait for Him and His timing and answers we don't have to get "second best" we get God's best. Have a blessed weekend and get some sleep! ;D God Bless~

  5. Thank you for your candid open sharing... perhaps there is irony in that I just posted on prayer. I send you a prayer in healing
