Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thank-You My Jesus

I want to write a very personal and loving devotion to Jesus today. I don't want to just simply write about Him, I want to actually write it to Him. I started and stopped writing these words over 10 times last night and this morning. I am not a good enough writer to find all the words that are in my heart. But please know I have written about my feelings for Jesus to the best of my ability. I hope you don't mind me sharing the final product with you.

Oh Heavenly Father, thank-you for allowing me to be born into this world, and thank-you even more for allowing me to be a born-again Christian. I don't want to even begin to think about just where I would be today if it hadn't been for You. It all started with my parents and grand-parents who took me to church and taught me the Truth about You. They were simply obeying what You had placed in their hearts. You have been so good to me, Father. Actually, You have been nothing short of a miracle. And even though the miracles you have performed in my life may not be on the same scale as You walking on water, feeding 5000, or raising Lazarus from the dead, my miracles are just as awesome to me. Lord, You walk on water everyday in my life! You have given me the most perfect career in the world. If I had written out the perfect script for my life, being a teacher and touching the lives of our young people would have never been written down. After all, there are so many other careers that earn much more money. But you know what Lord? No other career would have made me as rich as I am today in my heart.

Perhaps the greatest of all my responsibilities and blessings, however is the gift you gave me of being Bailey Boo's daddy. I never really understood just how deeply I could love another person until the day she was born. As soon as I looked into her eyes, I realized You had transformed me to the ultimate level of love. Thank you so very much for allowing me to be her daddy. Lord, I know I don't deserve all these blessings, but I also know You don't make mistakes. Thank-you for loving and caring for me enough to take the time to form and shape my life around me. I want to share you with every single person I see. You are so much more than my Savior, you are my very best friend. Oh Lord, You have blessed me with some pretty awesome friends that would do just about anything in the world for me. But nobody knows just how bad I can and have been, yet unconditionally loves me anyway like You do. And though there is nothing I can ever do to repay You for touching and blessing my life so richly, please accept this small note of appreciation. Lord, You know it comes straight from my heart. At this moment, I want to completely surrender, and yield my life to Your calling. I am totally Yours, Lord. Please continue to form and shape my life as You see fit.


  1. This is truly a love letter to god. Raw and heartfelt. you are awsome!

  2. Oh, that is beautiful!!! Couldn't have said it better myself!! Have a wonderfully blessed week!

  3. Amen! Thank you for sharing something so intensely personal and real. Makes me want to sit down and write my own letter to Jesus!!
