Tuesday, April 24, 2012


It was during this week back in 1985 that Coca-Cola made the biggest mistake in its history: The powers-that-be decided to change the 99-year formula to something different. It was something different, all right. Did you ever try the New Coke? Saying it was horrible would be an under-statement. In fact, it was so bad that the Coca-Cola Company was forced to change back to its original formula just 79 days later. This was the biggest marketing blunder in history.

We all make real dumb mistakes. Once we realize our mistake, it can be very hard to admit it and go back to the way we were doing things before the mistake. We can use Coke as an example to help us when we make a dumb mistake. They made the biggest mistake of all time. But they recognized the mistake, took accountability for it, and then restored the original formula. Since those dark days in the spring of 1985, Coca-Cola once again thrives as the leading soft drink maker in the world. I doubt very seriously, though, that they will ever experiment with their formula again.

God understands that we are only human, and that we are going to make some real dumb mistakes sometimes. The worst thing we could do is to be stubborn about it. Instead, we too must be willing to admit our mistakes and then go through the necessary steps in which to correct those mistakes. But God is ready to help us. His Word promises He will never abandon us no matter what mistakes we make...small, medium, or even big, dumb ones.

Hebrews 8:12 says, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.”

Father, thank-you so much for your precious Son, Jesus. Thank-you for forgiving our sins and for giving us such a great role-model.

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