Ready Or Not, Here They Come
I have just started my 18th year of teaching in public education. I am just as excited and nervous today as I was the very first year. In three days, those kids are going to come rushing into this school eager to learn, willing to absorb, and itching to please their teachers...or not. One thing is for sure though: ready or not, here they come. The beginning of a new year is not only exciting, but it is also extremely important because it sets routines that will be followed all year. Some teachers say the first 5 minutes of a new year is the most critical time. Although I don't think it is the most critical time, I do agree it is very imporatant. Most kids try to put what happend last year behind them and try to make better grades and have better discipline. Teachers also self-evaluate and correct errors from last year. No matter how bad last year may have been, it's over now, and we must move on to hopefully better things. Isn't that the same with our Lord?
Why don't we treat this school year like a new beginning, even if we are not a student or teacher. Why don't we just turn everything over from our past to God and make a fresh start. That is the way He works. We may not have had good credit finacially last year and may have a hard time obtaining a loan this year. But our credit with God is always perfect once we ask for forgiveness and accept His Son as our Savior. He does not hold anything against us. He is like that teacher that tells His students, "Welcome to my class. I am so glad you are here. Let's see what all we can learn this year." Are you ready to start a new school year with Jesus? Set your alarm clock for 6 and don't miss the bus! We got to go to school.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new."
Father, thank-you for giving us a new beginning full of hope. Help us to transform our lives into what you would have us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.
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