Monday, January 11, 2010

Walking In Rhythm

With it being a fresh, new year, many of us have made resolutions to get healthier. Eating better and getting more exercise were two of mine this year. Doctors remind us that we don't need to spend hours at the gym in order to achieve our goals, however. A nice power walk a few times a week can help us maintain or even lose some weight. But walking doesn't just help us in that way. There are many additional benefits to walking. Walking also helps us in the following ways:

  • More energy to enjoy life.

  • Toned muscles

  • Stress reduction

  • Deeper, more restful sleep

  • Stronger bones and joints

  • Reduced risks for heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and osteoporosis

All it takes is a moderate walk for 30 to 45 minutes per day, 4 or 5 times per week to begin feeling these benefits.

Where as a nice power walk outside breathing in fresh air will help us both physically and mentally, a Power Walk with Christ will do even more wonders for us spiritually. Walking with Christ is a perfect way for us to exercise. Praying, studying His Word, reading daily devotionals, listening to Christian radio, and sharing Jesus with others has "toned" me up spiritually. Like a runner's "high", the closer I walk with Him the more intense the pleasures I feel in my heart and soul. And I believe that my Power Walks with Christ are also giving me some of those same physical and mental benefits I receive from outside walking. Doctors agree that a healthy mind and spirit do wonders for us physically. Are you experiencing these healthy benefits today? Are you taking Power Walks with Christ?

Psalm 103:5 says, "He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's."

Father, thank you for allowing me to walk with You. Always remind me that walking with You is the healthiest thing I can do. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Symmetry.... the all around balance of spiritual, emotional and phyiscal well being. You know just what to write about , at the right times. This same thing has been on my mind this weekend.We have to make time for all three. One without the other and were out there in limbo. Thanks for bringing this up and reaffirming what I have been struggling with for the past few days. A Five Star Devotion!

  2. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of caring for our WHOLE self. Our inner health reflects in our outer health. Excellent, as always :) Good way to start my morning!
