Today, I started tutoring a few students at the high school who have previously failed the math portion of the Alabama Graduation Exam. The principal of the school called me about two weeks ago and asked me if I wanted to do it. The tutoring lasts 4 hours per day for a total of 8 days. When he asked me about doing it on the phone, and told me how much it would pay, I jumped at the chance! This pay is above and beyond my regular salary, and it is very good pay! For the past two weeks, all I have been able to think about is how I could spend the money. My daughter and I will be needing back-to-school clothes, I need (want) a new grill, a new big-screen TV would be nice, and...and..and..You know how it can be when you get some extra money in your pocket. For the past two weeks, I have been thanking God for the extra money and have really shared with people how He has blessed me financially with this tutoring job. But as I arrived at the school this morning, something hit me completely out of the blue.
This whole time, all I could think about was me and how much money I would be making. I never thought for a second about those students who may need me. Please don't let me sound boastful or like I am bragging, but just maybe, those kids do need me to help them. I mean, I know they need some teacher to help, but maybe it is ME personally that they need. I am fortunate to have a very high success rate when teaching students who have failed this major exam in the past. To date, my success rate is over 95% of students passing the Grad Exam. I have always believed that God called me to be a teacher, and I tend to be one of the students' favorite. That simply verifies in my heart that God is behind my teaching. So maybe it was God's plan that I personally take time from my summer vacation to help them. (Again, I pray that you don't think I am being boastful, just fortunate). But sadly, instead of thanking God for the opportunity to help these students, all I could think about was the money. I will earn $800 from this job. I have to admit that I did spend $200 today on a brand-new grill. But I have decided that I am committing the other $600 to God. Maybe you can comment on this devotion and suggest a good, Christian way I can give the $600. I know there is nothing wrong with splurging on ourselves sometimes, but I guess what hit me so hard this morning was my intent for taking on this job in the first place. I am ashamed. So if you have time, please suggest a way I can give the rest to the Lord.
Proverbs 22:9 says, "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor."
Father, forgive me for thinking more about the money than the students. I know You have blessed me with this abundance. Please direct me in the way You would have me share it. In Jesus name, Amen.