Monday, May 11, 2009

Dothan City Limit

There is a road here in Dothan, E. Saunders, that runs across the southern border of the city. While traveling on E. Saunders between 3rd Avenue and Hodgesville Road, a distance of roughly one mile, there are no less than 4 signs that read "Dothan City Limit". I have never understood it because when I came across the first sign, I was never even aware that I had ever left the city limit. Then there are 3 more signs that indicate you are coming back into the city, but there are no signs to indicate you ever left. Isn't that strange? Four city limit signs within a mile of each other and no sign to ever let you know that you left the city is beyond my comprehension. Where exactly are you when you are traveling in those razor-thin sections between the signs?

My current personal situation is similar to those signs. I am still struggling with the loss of Jackie, my soul mate. It's like at times, I have hope that everything will work out. And then out of nowhere, and for no apparent reason, my hope fades, only to return a short time later. This on-again-off-again situation is playing tricks on my mind, and my heart. I am sharing this with you because perhaps you have experienced this before, or maybe you are now. I guess as a human, it is hard to have complete hope all the time. Isn't it normal to lose that hope sometimes out of the clear blue? I do trust God that it will all work out according to His perfect plan. But getting there...that can be a battle! I am happy to report that these devotions are now being sent to roughly 500 people everyday. Some of those people are preachers and Christian counselors. I enjoy getting responses from them after I write these devotions. I get some awesome advice from an array of different people. I think those responses help me out a great deal. If I keep losing and gaining hope, does God understand that? He will still help me, won't He?

Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."

Father, I do know this will all work out between Jackie and me. Please help me to stay on more of an even keel. Please forgive me when my hope fades from time to time. I pray for Jackie and her incredible family. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Blessings and encouragements to you.

  2. I think it is human nature for us to bounce between hope and despair, especially at times of personal suffering. But please do continue to hope, for hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). And as mentioned earlier in this chapter, “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” I have just discovered your blog and I can see that you do have character, as well as a lot of wisdom! Just continue to persevere, and to hope. And yes, I believe that God will continue to listen to you and give you all that you need, even when your hope temporarily wanes.
