Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I think we all have periods in which we doubt ourselves, others, and maybe even God. Doubt is a normal human emotion. We all know that Thomas was a doubter, which led to his famous name of Doubting Thomas. But even John the Baptist doubted while he was in prison, and Jesus called him the greatest man to ever be born. John asked a messenger to go to Jesus and ask Him if He was indeed the Messiah. Our Lord is a very loving and caring Lord. He does not wait for us to have moments of doubt and then pounce on us like a lion. No, Our Lord and Savior knows we all have serious limitations. He still loves us!

Maybe you are doubting something right now that you have been praying about. Maybe it seems that God has put you on "hold" and you are starting to doubt that He even cares. That is a normal feeling; Don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep on praying and hoping in the Lord. He will not let you down. I know sometimes it seems like the whole world is caving in around us. But God has it completely under control. Don't give up! For all we know, God's help may already be on the way!

Mark 9:23 says, "All things are possible if you can believe".

Father, please forgive us when we doubt ourselves and maybe even You. Help us to keep the faith. We can do all things through You. In Jesus name, Amen.

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