Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pop-Up Blocker

I used to get so aggravated when surfing the net because of those annoying pop-ups.  I know it only takes a second to close them, but some are so sophisticated that once you close one, two or three more pop-up in its place.  Thank Goodness for pop-up blockers!  Most are free and easily down-loadable from the Internet.  I love the sound mine makes when it blocks a pop-up.  It sounds like a bug hitting one of those outdoor zappers.

When Jesus Ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit in His place.  The Holy Spirit does many things for us.  One thing in particular that I like is that He is like one of those pop-up blockers.  Everyday, we are faced with scores of temptations, some small and some large.  But if we stay in-tune to the Holy Spirit, he can zap those "pop-ups" away in an instant.  Have you down-loaded God's pop-up blocker?  It's free, and 100% effective.  And once you install it in your heart, you can surf through your day with a lot less aggravation.

Ezekiel 36:27 says, "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgements and do them."

Father, thank-you for the Holy Spirit.  Help us to always listen for His voice.  In Jesus name, Amen 

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